Services of Internet

Following are some important services of the Internet:

1. World Wide Web (WWW)
WWW stands for World Wide Web. It is also called Web. It provides the facility to publish information on the Internet. It is a collection of documents or web pages stored on computers permanently connected with Internet around the world. 

2. Email (Electronic Mail)
Email stands for Electronic Mail. Email is the exchange of messages and files through Internet. Message can be in the form of graphics, sounds, video or simple text. It is a fast way of sending messages anywhere in the world. One email message can be sent to multiple recipients. Email facility is provided by many Internet Service providers or specialized websites. Yahoo, Hotmail and Gmail are popular examples of email providing websites.

3. Mailing List
A mailing list is a collection of email names and addresses given a single name. An email message sent to a mailing list is received by every person on the list. Different people discuss different topics and distribute their ideas to other people by email. Softwares are available to administrate mailing lists. The most common program is listserv.

4. News Groups
A newsgroup is a discussion group on the Internet. People exchange information on a vast range of topics such as news, business, science and computer. A user sends message to the newsgroup to participate in discussion. Other users in the newsgroup read and reply to the message. A software is required to obtain articles from news server.

5. E-Commerce
E-Commerce stands for electronic commerce. It is a process of carrying out financial and business dealings using Internet. People can buy and sell good on Internet. They can also pay bills using credit card numbers

TELNET is a program to connect to a remote computer on Internet. A computer can act like a terminal directly linked to remote computer. The user can log on to the computer and use it as if he is connected to the computer directly.

7. FTP
File Transfer Protocol is used on Internet to send files from one place to other. Audio, video, graphics and data files can be uploaded or downloaded using this protocol. A process of transferring a file from a local computer to remote computer is called uploading. Different software are available to use this protocol for transferring files on the Internet. CuteFTP and WD-FTP are examples of FTP software.

8. Chatting & Instant Messaging
Chatting is a process of exchanging views on the Internet by typing text messages in real-time. Internet Relay Chat (IRC) is a service is used to communicate to each other on hundreds of channels. Instant messaging is a type of chat in which a user on Web can chat with another user currently logged. Most famous is America Online's Instant Messenger.