Basic Terminologies of Internet

Following are some important terminologies of Internet.

A collection of related web pages that you can access electronically is called web site. It contains text, graphics, sound, and video.

2.Home page:
Most websites have a starting point, called a home page. It is similar to a book cover or table of contents for the sits. It provides information about the site's purpose and content.

3.Hyper link:
A hyper linj is a connection between webpage. It can be a part of text or graphics on a web page . When the user click on it, the hyperlink can:
  • Take you to a different part of the same page.
  • Take you to a different page within the web site
  • Take you to a page in a different web site
  • Enable you to download file
  • Lunch an application, video or sound.
An anchor is a link to different parts of the same web page.

5. Image Map:

Image map is an image whose different parts are linked with different web pages.


Frames are used to divide a web page into different parts. Different web pages can be displayed in each part.

Table is a collection of  rows and columns to display data in tables in a web page.

It stands for Hyper Text Transfer Protocol. It is a communication protocol used to connect to servers on the World Wide Web. The primary function of HTTP is to establish a connection with a Web server and transmit HTML pages to the user's browser. It allows computer users to access the Internet.

It stands for Hyper Text Markup Language.HTML is the fundamental language to design web pages.

Webmaster is the person who develops and maintains a web site.

11. Domain Name:
Domain name is the unique name given to a web site.This name is linked to a web server where the information of that web site is stored.

URL stands for Uniform Resource Locator. The URL is the web address for any given web document . Every web document has a unique URL. Each URL has several parts, which can be demonstrated using the address;
                http: / /  /  services / index . html

  • http: / / This part of the address indicates that it is a Web page
  • WWW This indicates that the Web page you are looking at is part of the World Wide Web . Many Web sites do not use WWW but are still part of the Web.
  • This part of the address is the domain name and indicates the unique address of a Web site.The domain name also often indicates the type of web site.
  • / services / The '' / '' symbol indicates you have moved into a specific directory in the Web server. Directories are like the folders on your computer and help to organize Web pages in Web sites. 
  • index.htm  A word with ''.htm'' or ''.html'' following it indicates the name of the specific page in the Web site you are looking at.
ISP stands for Internet Service Provider.It is a company that provides Internet connections. ISP also provides the facilities of Email.A connection from ISP is necessary to connect to Internet.

14.Web Browser:
A web browser is software that is used to view web pages. It acts as an interface between the user and the Internet.It can understand HTML. It can display text and graphics. Browsers are also known as web clients or universal clients .Some examples of web browsers are Internet Explorer, Netscape, Hot java, and Lynx.

15.Web Server:
A web server is a computer that stores information for the users on the Internet.It is much faster and powerful than ordinary computer.It may be located anywhere in the world .Servers are connected to the Internet 24 hours a day.